At the Poplars Ranch, we
believe in a functional animal that can handle, thrive and succeed
in any environment. Efficiency is
our main goal, not only in environment, but also in the
feedlot. Our cattle are put to the test with harsh
country and limited feed. We develop an ambitious
herd able to survive
and produce in any environment.
Poplars' Herefords are efficient and remain in good
condition throughout the breeding season.
To producing a
calf with depth and length of body, we emphasize maternal
characteristics such as solid udders, annual calving, and sound
feet and legs. It
is our goal that the cow herd, as well as the bulls offered for
sale, have good dispositions. We primarily sell 18-month to
two-year old bulls because we believe that is a better
product for our customers.
EPDs are extremely important in our herd. Our cattle
have below average birth weight, but above average
weaning and yearling weight. Milk EPD must be above 16.
Carcass EPDs must also be above average. In our bull
production, we strive for a bull that is better than
average in all traits.
Customer satisfaction is our goal. We market bulls that
are efficient from birth through the feedlot,
and will excel on the rail. Our bulls are raised in
tough, rugged country, travel a distance for water, and
are survivors of
the fittest. |